You will generally be expected to purchase your own drinks on safari. Most camps/lodges have a reasonable selection of wines and spirits – with the more upmarket ones generally offering more choice.
Beer, cool drinks (sodas), bottled water, local gin, etc. are readily available everywhere. Prices vary depending upon where purchased. Please be aware that you should only drink bottled water, not from the taps for health safety reasons.
Bottled water is available for purchase everywhere around the country and some lodges also supply limited courtesy bottles in the rooms. Please bring your own supply of water purifying tablets, or your own water bottle if you prefer.
A cooler box or small fridge is kept in the vehicle for any drinks you wish to store cold, whilst traveling. A complimentary beverage bag with tea and coffee is also available in the safari vehicles – useful for early morning game drives and also to supplement packed lunches on long days of travel.
Discuss these requirements with your guide.
If you are curious about what local Ugandan foods you might be able to try, the choices and variety is endless. We have put together an article with 14 of the best Ugandan foods that out guest have talked highly of over the years. That should give you a good starting point on your culinary journey through the various parts of Uganda.